Classification of Awards

Introduction to the Japan Society for Food Engineering Awards

Regulations of Japan Society of Food Engineering Awards

Awards will be determined by following the guidelines given in Articles 5 and 7 of the Japanese Society of Food Engineering Regulations, and Article 8 of the Japanese Society of Food Engineering Detailed Regulations.

(Type of Award)
Article 1: The Society shall establish the Society Award, Technology Award, Research Award, Encouragement Award, Industry-University Collaboration Award, and the Essay Award.

(Society Award)
Article 2: The Society Award shall be conferred upon someone whose achievements have made a special contribution to the academic development of Food Engineering.

(Technology Award)
Article 3: The Technology Award shall be conferred upon someone whose achievements have made a special contribution to industrial development related to Food Engineering.

(Research Award)
Article 4: The Research award shall be conferred upon someone whose achievements have made a special contribution in research in a particular field related to Food Engineering.

(Encouragement Award)
Article 5: The Encouragement Award shall be conferred upon someone who has undertaken outstanding research contributing to the advancement of Food Engineering, and more development is expected in the future.

(Industry-University Collaboration Award)
Article 6: The Industry-University Collaboration Award shall be conferred upon someone whose special collaborative research has contributed to the development of Food Engineering by collaboration between a company and a university or a public research institute

(Essay Award)
Article 7: The essay award is chosen from publicly commended essays that have been submitted to the Japan Journal of Food Engineering (including reviews and commentaries).

(Recipient Qualifications)
Article 8: As a rule, recipients must be members of the Japan Society for Food Engineering.
2) The Technology Award, Encouragement Award and Industry-University Collaboration Award can include Maintenance Members and people belonging to corporate bodies that have Group Membership, as well as regular members.

(Number of Awards)
Article 9: The number of recipients for each award shall be one per year in principle. However, this does not apply in cases where sufficient achievement cannot be found in that year.

(Selection of Candidates)
Article 10: Award candidates shall be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee by application forms provided in the Japan Journal of Food Engineering.
2) Details relating to the application and selection of award candidates are decided upon each time by the current Award Selection Committee.
3) The Journal editorial committee and industry panel are permitted to offer the Award Selection Committee with their opinions regarding candidate selection.
4) Award candidates cannot participate in the selection process.

(Award Selection Committee)
Article 11: The Award Selection Committee members are elected by the board of directors and nominate a chairperson among themselves.
2) The Award Selection Committee members shall have a quorum of seven and an office term one year. They can be reappointed.
3) The chairperson is appointed at the recommendation of the board of directors.
4) The chairperson shall oversee the convening of the committee.

Article 12: The recipient shall be decided based on the selection of the Award Selection Committee, and final choice of the board of directors.

Article 13: The awards shall be conferred at the annual general meeting; certificates and prizes shall be given to recipients.

Article 14: Fees for awards shall be met at the expense of the Society and contributions.

Enacted: August 7, 2002.
Amended: August 5, 2003.
Amended: July 28, 2005.

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