

本会では平成17年5月から電子投稿システムを採用し,審査期間の短縮を図ることになりました.このシステムを利用される方は,以下の投稿規定にかかわらず原稿(Wordファイル またはPDFファイル)を原稿送状(本会ホームページからダウンロードして必要事項を記入)とともに,電子メールの添付ファイルとしてsubmit@jsfe.jp宛お送りください.審査員への送付と返却並びに 審査結果の著者への通知も原則として電子メールで行います.

原稿執筆の手引きダウンロード選択へ移動    論文送状へ移動


日本食品工学会誌投稿規定(平成23年12月改定 )

1. 会誌発行の目的

会誌「日本食品工学会誌」(Japan Journal of Food Engineering)は日本食品工学会の全会員に食品工学および関連領域に関わる情報を伝達・普及する目的で発行するもので,学会活動の重要な一環である.また,食品工学および関連領域に関する定期刊行物として広く認められることを目的として編集する.

2. 原稿の種類


2.1 原著論文
原著論文は,他の学術刊行物に未発表のもので,独創的研究で,価値ある事実,データや結論,新しい測定技術の開発,物性値の収集・評価・推算に関する新しい知見を含むものとする.刷り上がり10 頁以内(ただし,本文が英文の場合の和文要約は含まない).

2.2 技術論文
技術論文は,諸技術,試験法の開発,および装置の運転・設計に関して新しい知見を含むものとする.刷り上がり10 頁以内(ただし,本文が英文の場合の和文要約は含まない).

2.3 総説および解説

2.4 ノート

2.5 レター

3. 投稿原稿の取り扱い

3.1 原稿の提出
原稿は原則として電子投稿システムで投稿する.論文原稿は原則として表紙,要旨,本文,図表を一つのファイルにまとめて(Word ファイル またはPDF ファイル)原稿送状(本会ホームページからダウンロードして必要事項を記入)と共に,電子メールの添付ファイルとしてsubmit@jsfe.jp 宛送付する.やむを得ず印刷原稿として投稿する場合は,原稿の原本は著者のもとにおき,A4 の大きさで複写した原稿3 部(ただし,写真はすべてプリ ントしたもの)を日本食品工学会事務所に提出する.写真や添付の別刷など返却の必要がある場合は,原稿提出時にその旨を編集委員長に連絡する.

3.2 原稿の審査
受付した原稿は,担当編集委員制により2名の審査員の査読を経て編集委員会で採否を決定する.原稿の取扱いについては内規に定める.自発的投稿・依頼投稿のいずれの場合も,原稿の一部書きかえを要求することがある.書き直し・再提出を求められた原稿は返送の日から2ヶ月以内に再提出しなければならない.これを越えたものについては投稿の意志がないものとして整理することがある. 審査員への原稿の送付と返却並びに審査結果の著者への通知は原則として電子メールで行うが,印刷原稿に関しては文書によって行う場合もある.

3.3 受付・受理年月日

4. 著作権


5. その他

5.1 別刷
掲載論文のPDF は,学会より責任著者へ無料にて進呈する.別刷は,著者校正返却時に注文することができる.別刷料金は内規により別に定める.ただし,依頼原稿については別刷50 部を贈呈するが,それを越える分は有料とする.

5.2 本誌の表記法
本誌を出版物などで引用する際の表記法は,和文の場合は「日本食品工学会誌」,英文の場合は「Jpn. J. Food Eng.」とする.

Rules for Manuscript Submission

Rules for Manuscript Submission

Notice of a change in the manuscript submission system
As of May 2005, The Japan Society for Food Engineering adopted an electronic submission system to expedite review processes. Notwithstanding the rules for submission of the manuscript below, authors who wish to take advantage of the system should send an e-mail to submit@jsfe.jp with their manuscript (as a word processor file or a PDF file) and a manuscript submission form (down loadable from this page) attached. E-mails will be used for forwarding and returning of the manuscripts to and from the reviewers as well as reporting the results to the authors as much as possible.

1. Aims of Journal Publication

The Japan Society for Food Engineering (the Society) publishes “Japan Journal of Food Engineering (the Journal)” to convey and disseminate information regarding food engineering and related areas to all members of the Society as an important part of its activities. The Journal is edited with an aim of gaining wide recognition as a periodical dealing with food engineering and related areas.

2. Manuscript Types

Manuscripts are largely categorized into Original Research Papers, Technical Papers, Review or Explanatory Articles, Notes, and Letters. All manuscripts should be prepared in either Japanese or English following the Instructions for Manuscript Preparation provided separately.

2.1. Original Research Papers
Original Research Papers must report original research that has not been published in other academic journals, and that contains valuable facts, data and conclusions, development of novel measurement methods, or novel findings related to collection, evaluation, and estimation of material properties. Manuscript length must be no longer than ten (10) printed pages excluding Japanese Summary for papers presented in English.

2.2. Technical Papers
Technical Papers are those that report novel findings related to various technologies, development of testing methods, or operation and design of equipment. Manuscript length must be no longer than ten (10) printed pages excluding Japanese Summary for papers presented in English.

2.3. Review and Explanatory Articles
Review and Explanatory Articles should offer comprehensive explanations (discussions) on various issues or up-to-date research trends and progresses with references. Review Articles reflect clearly the authors own view on the topic. Explanatory Articles describe the topic so that members from fields other than food engineering may understand it easily. These may be submitted either voluntarily by members of the Society or upon request by the editorial committee of the Journal. The length of an article should not exceed ten (10) printed pages.

2.4. Notes
Notes present concretely an idea or know-how obtained through research or technical development, development of novel equipment, or experiences of the authors, that may be of value for readers in general. Notes should be no longer than four (4) printed pages.

2.5. Letters
Letters offer opinions or discussions of significance with regard to a specific problem, or supplements, opinions or discussions relevant to articles published in the Journal. Letters should be no longer than two (2) printed pages.

3. Instruction of Manuscript

3.1. Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted via electronic submission system as much as possible. Title page, abstract, text, figures, and tables of a manuscript should be submitted in a single PDF file along with a submission form (to be downloaded from the Society’s home page and completed) as attachments to an e-mail to submit@jsfe.jp. If a manuscript has to be submitted in hardcopy, authors should retain the original and submit three sets of A4 size photocopies (and original prints of photographs, if any) to the Office of the Japan Society for Food Engineering. (Note that if a manuscript contains photographs, original prints must be supplied along with photocopies of the manuscript.)

3.2 Review of manuscript
Acceptance/rejection of a manuscript received by the office will be determined by the editorial committee after peer-review by two reviewers, who will be selected by a member of the editorial committee to whom the manuscript is assigned by the Editor- in-Chief. Revisions may be asked for both voluntary contributions and requested contributions. Revised manuscripts must be resubmitted within 1 month after the manuscript has been returned to the corresponding author. If the revised manuscript is not received within the specified period, the manuscript may be processed as abandoned. While e-mails will be used primarily for forwarding and returning the manuscript to and from the reviewers and for notification of the review results to the authors, postal service may be used for handling manuscripts in hardcopy.

3.3. Date of receipt and acceptance
The day on which the editorial committee received the manuscript is designated as the date of receipt. The day on which the editorial committee determined that the manuscript is publishable is designated as the date of acceptance.

4. Copy Right

Copyright to the papers and review articles published in the Journal belongs to the Japan Society for Food Engineering. Requests for permission to reproduce materials will be considered by the editorial committee and the decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief. In an instance where figures or tables from other (copyrighted) work are reproduced in papers or review articles, authors assume the responsibility to obtain permission for reproduction from the owner of the copyright.

5. Miscellaneous

5.1 Reprints
The corresponding author will receive a PDF of the article free of charge. Reprints may be ordered with the return of proofs. The prices are provided separately in the bylaws. Notwithstanding the above, authors of contributions requested by the editorial committee will receive with 50 copies of the reprints at no charge. Additional copies may be ordered at regular prices.

5.2 Abbreviation of the journal title
When citing this Journal in publications in languages other than Japanese, the journal title should be abbreviated as Jpn. J. Food Eng.



